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15 health tips that many ignore The cause of many health problems often lies not in the environment, but in the habits and way of life of people Everyone wants to be healthy, but not everyone adheres to the rules that would contribute to this. The cause of many health problems is often not in the environment, but in the habits and way of life of people. 16 useful tips that will bring health benefits. Exercising once a week and rare refusals from evening meals will not solve the problem of overweight To burn calories, you need to systematically take time for physical activity and not eat a few hours before bedtime. The first rule of the disease is never google about the disease If you feel unwell, contact the doctors, and do not look for an answer on the forums and in similar sources. Doubtful people can find scary symptoms in themselves, not to mention the most incredible ways to treat them that go on the net.it is advisable to conduct a medical examination once a year...
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