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5 reasons why we need vitamin c

5 reasons why we need vitamin C

Vitamin C is good for skin, body and bud! Without risk we bleed gums, iron deficiency and more colds than we wish. Here are some reasons to check your vitamin C intake.

We are many who have been there with colds that do not bring along and stress that eats up one from the inside. Being drawn to prolonged colds can be frustrating enough and you often ask yourself why you fall there again and again.

Strengthening your immune system is always a good idea, but perhaps difficult to know how to do. The best thing is to exercise and get a varied and balanced diet. It may sound simple in theory, but may be more difficult in practice. So sometimes it can be a good idea to eat supplements. A diet supplement is a complement to a healthy lifestyle.

Why then do we need vitamin C to feel good?

First and foremost, the immune system needs vitamin c to function properly. It can help shorten a cold and relieve symptoms, while helping to reduce fatigue and fatigue.

It helps build bone and cartilage in the body, it protects your cells from taking damage from pollution and radiation and more and it protects your eyes from developing eye damage. Vitamin C is simply a very versatile vitamin that does a lot for you and your body!

Here are some of the reasons to love vitamin C

1. Helps to reduce fatigue and fatigue. 
To feel tired and constant is no hit. Vitamin C helps us deal with stress and is an important component when the body produces both norepinephrine and serotonin which are important for our well-being.

2. It is good for your skin. 
As you age, your skin becomes weaker and there is nothing that any vitamin in the world can change. But you can work preventively and make the best of what you have. Making sure you have a proper vitamin C intake can make all the difference to your skin. Because it is elastin and collagen in the connective tissue of the skin that "keeps us young" and they need the help of antioxidants so as not to break down which vitamin c helps.

3. Your teeth love it.

That your teeth feel good by good oral hygiene is probably no secret. But did you know that your mouth also likes vitamin-c? Deficiency of the vitamin can cause bleeding and sensitive gums.

4. Good for heart and vessels. 
Your heart and vessels love vitamin c for the simple reason that it is part of the great process to improve blood vessel flexibility, which smooths out high or low blood pressure. Vitamin C simply ensures that your blood vessels stay healthy.

5. Increases iron absorption. 
Without c-vitramine, the body makes it harder to absorb iron. Iron, for example, transports oxygen to the body, so if you get iron together with vitamin C, you help your body to the pile.

If you have trouble getting enough vitamin c in your diet, it may be a good idea to try a diet supplement. Vit-C is a supplement that, unlike regular vitamin C, is absorbed into the cell from the blood, stored in the cell and then is effective there for 24 hours. Since it is also completely acid neutral it is also gentle on the stomach.

The company MedicaNatumin conducted a product test for vit-C with 100 of readers now in the spring of 2020. 27 percent of users report having had fewer colds since they started with vit-C and half of the participants in the survey also say they feel more eager for that they started using the product.

- It took about 3 weeks before I started to feel the effects. Above all, better sleep, more energy and that I became happier. Walked around and smiled, says one customer.

- I usually feel tired and depressed at this time of year, I haven't known that at all this year, says another.


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