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5 simple tips to boost your health

5 simple tips to boost your health If you could objectively assess your health on a scale of 1-10, what score would you give yourself? Chances are you think there is at least some room for improvement. Healthy living doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, improving your health is often just a matter of daring to make small adjustments to your daily routine and, above all, learning to stick to them. Very often, our preconceptions about past health and failures cloud our perspective, and making changes seems more difficult than they really are. Try dropping all that for a minute and then just read on this post to take advantage of it. Who knows? You can just treat yourself to a nice health upgrade that costs nothing and can only benefit you. 1. Take a nap often If you have ever been to Latin America, you will find that many people go home during their lunch hour. They take a short siesta. People who often take a so-called nap can even live longer. According to a study of Greek adults who systematically nap during the day, they had a 37% lower risk of dying from heart-related deaths. These participants slept a minimum of half-hour 3 times every week or more. Taking a nap lowers blood pressure and cortisol, a hormone that modulates stress and is involved in various diseases. Taking a nap also helps your brain store new memories, which is always a good thing. 2. Put your brain to work often Contrary to popular belief, your brain DOES NOT age at the same rate as the rest of your body. In fact, research shows that “super agers” (80- and 90-year-olds who are very good for their age) have a younger-looking “brain. They also score just as well (or even better) than middle-aged people on cognitive tests. Reading, taking lessons, and engaging in new hobbies can all help keep your brain young and healthy. Video games can also help, it turns out. To top it all off, a recent study showed that older people who had played video games were better at creating memories, attention, and multi-tasking. 3. Walk and walk a lot We all know that exercise is an important ingredient in establishing and maintaining good health. But contrary to what you may think, you don't have to force yourself. All you have to do is walk regularly.


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