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Health tips and guidelines

Health tips and guidelines

  • Don't fool yourself: Although fruits and vegetables contain relatively little energy, it does not mean that you can eat unlimited of all this. Some fruits should be handled with care. Pay some attention to the amounts you eat.
  • Avoid snacking between goals: Even a fruit platter can be a trap. A single small grape occasionally gets many calories. It also damages your teeth.
  • Eat varied: The best way to avoid unknown risks is to eat as many different types of foods as possible - then the risk is less that you eat too much of something unhealthy.
  • Be smart: Choose foods that make you saturated without giving up too much energy. "Bottom" with a salad plate, you suppress the worst hunger.
  • Finding fun forms of exercise: There is so much to choose from, so don't force yourself into exercise you don't like. Remember that all body movement requires energy - it does not have to be arranged workouts.
  • Think positively: See all the good you can eat and drink, and do not think about what you should refrain from. Forget about the worst of the bad guys for you - pretend they are not there.
  • Taste the palate: Learn to enjoy new, healthy foods, and eventually you will not want to be fat and unhealthy.
  • Don't shop on an empty stomach: Going into a grocery store when you are hungry often results in you shopping more than you need and also wrong things. Write a shopping list and stick to it as much as possible.
  • Set realistic goals: Don't think you should lose 10 kg in 2 months. The risk is that you will be disappointed and give up just because. Instead, let the weight loss take time, the chances are also greater that the result will be lasting.
  • Take help of your surroundings: Feel free to tell us that you are changing your eating and exercise habits. You probably get more support and help than you expected.

8 Important health guidelines:

  • As you reduce your energy intake, it is important that what you eat provides you with all essential nutrients. Do not waste energy on sugar and saturated fat which only provides energy but a minimum of other important nutrients.
  • Use the “plate model”: Half the plate with vegetables, one quarter with protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs or legumes and the other quarter with potatoes, pasta, rice or other grains.
  • Eat regularly: The classic council 3 meals and 2 snacks are good. It doesn't have to be advanced snacks if you don't have time - a fruit can do just fine.
  • Reduce total fat and choose good quality fat: Good are olive and rapeseed oil, fatty fish, nuts (except coconut) and seeds. Avoid fatty cheese, cream, butter, greasy meats, chocolate and chips.
  • Eat calcium-rich foods: Low-fat dairy products and green leafy vegetables should be included in the diet daily. Other calcium-rich foods are, for example, seafood, beans and citrus fruits.
  • Fiber-rich foods: Vegetables / root vegetables for each main meal help to keep the stomach in shape and it also gives a good feeling of satiety. You get vitamins and trace elements on the purchase. Choose whole grain products before white flour, so you get even more blood sugar.
  • Drink water: about 1.5 liters daily in addition to the liquid you get through coffee / tea and other drinks.
  • Everyday Exercise: At least 30 minutes of walking or other similar physical activity every day. A pedometer can be peppery - try to come up with at least 10,000 steps every day.


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