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Favorite health tips

We asked a number of health advisers to share their favorite health tips. We believe that these consultants are all experts in their field and we would like to give them the opportunity to share some of their knowledge with us. We hope that you can enjoy these tips and that they can also provide you with a lot of practical and useful information. We have summarized the tips in a top 25 list: 1. Do you have problems getting to sleep smoothly? Then turn off all electronic devices (including the TV!) And all bright lights in the house two hours before you go to bed. And avoid checking your e-mail again, because that is also a great stimulant. Read in the prefer a good book instead. 2. Cook at your leisure and without much fat at a coffee temperature. If you cook food slowly and at a low temperature, you will keep all the useful nutrients. 3. Consider eating healthy food in function of a classic five-day working week. This means that you eat as healthy as possible during the days of the week, and that you have some margin for an occasional minor sin during the weekend. So eat healthy five days a week and take off the belt for two days. 4. Do you need a snack? Then try eating a 3 or 4 stalks of celery. It will help to curb your appetite without compromising your diet. 5. By the way, did you know that brushing your teeth also helps curb your appetite? 6. Stand on one leg for 1 minute at least once a day. During the day, repeat with the other leg. This simple exercise, it has been proven, would be good for promoting the density of a healthy bone system. 7. Don't make doing physical exercises a chore. If possible, do them outside the house. basketball, softball, soccer, tennis, golf, anything! It all counts as an exercise. Enjoy it too. The key is to be and stay active. 8. Keep your mind sharp, this is really the secret of a longer and healthy life. Learn something new. For example, learn to speak a different language. Take some class somewhere near you. Never stop learning new things. 9. People sometimes claim that they do not exercise because they have problems with their joints. But what they actually want to say is that their joints hurt because they don't exercise. 10. Do not throw away the cooking liquid from your cooked vegetables, but drink it or use it in a sauce. This cooking liquid is full of healthy vitamins and minerals. 11. Try to eat only half as much as you usually eat.


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