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10 health tips from around the world

10 health tips from around the world gathered To be healthy you just have to follow some rules, follow some advice given by a specialist, at least it seems so. Here is a collection of health tips resulting from specialized studies, according to 1: Rely on green tea Green tea is a traditional drink in China, a country that counts a lot of people over 100 years old. Researchers at Ohio Medical College have found that due to its high content of antioxidants, green tea inhibits the formation and development of cancer cells. 2: Adopt a cat Karen Allen, a medical researcher at the University at Buffalo in the United States, says that "the cat acts as a buffer on the pathogenic effects of overthinking. 3: Imitate bees and eat honey and pollen A recent study at a hospital in New York showed that they have a positive effect on cholesterol and triglycerides. It should be noted that the life expectancy of beekeepers is higher than that of the general population. 4: Eat chocolate The prestigious British Medical Journal published a study of 8,000 subjects, showing that those who consumed a small amount of chocolate (between 1-3 tablets per month) had a 36% lower risk of mortality than those who did not consume it. chocolate not at all. 5. Do not neglect the garlic After discovering a large number of centenarians in Jinshan County, who specialize in garlic cultivation, Chinese researchers have concluded that it prolongs life. Garlic has the ability to lower blood pressure. 6: Wash your hands Impeccable hand hygiene (4 washes per day) allows you to contract with 25% less colds and 50% less gastroenteritis, compared to people who wash their hands once a day. 7: Take a nap A team of researchers at the University of Boston has shown that a siesta taken in the middle of the day can make the signs of brain fatigue disappear and increase memory performance. They also found a 20% improvement in learning ability in people who can sleep at lunchtime. 8: Eat bananas and apples every day One banana a day brings 400 mg of potassium, which reduces the risk of a heart attack by almost 40%! And people who eat an apple a day have a 30% lower risk of developing various heart diseases than people who do not eat at all. 9: Don't skip breakfast! In people who usually eat in the morning, obesity is 44% less than those who do not eat breakfast.


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