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Daily bad Habits

Stop the infection In winter, inflammation of the urinary tract is nothing special. If you are starting to worry, try Swiss MEGA cranberries acute. The maximum content of active substances from all parts of the fetus will help you stop the infection in time. In pharmacies from 165 CZK / 15 capsules. Shift work = poorer memory As early as 2007, World Health Organization (WHO) experts warned that night shifts in regular combination with daytime services could contribute to cancer because they disrupt a person's biological rhythm. A Swedish study from 2011 then warned that night work doubles the risk of a young employee being affected by multiple sclerosis. Now researchers from the universities of Toulouse, France, and Swansea, Britain, have come to the conclusion that people who work alternately for night and day shifts show poorer memory. According to them, the cause is nothing more than the disruption of the internal biological clock. Exercise and have fun at the same time If you are tired of monotonous strengthening on exercise machines, you want to strengthen your figure and still have fun with it, then try the Pavigym ™ Square 3.0 sports floor. The only intelligent and interactive LED light floor in the Czech Republic, which moves your whole body thanks to special technology. A professional trainer will choose the most suitable program for you and you can start improving your weakest games, either individually or in a small group. Price: 650 CZK for one-time entry, BOMTON Power Concept, Where: Wenceslas Square 43, Prague. Gluten-free Do you suffer from celiac disease or have a healthy lifestyle? Then get smart! There are new gluten-free products on the market. You can find them under the Moje bezlepkárna brand and you can choose from a really wide range of products, including desserts and fresh fruit drinks. The service is currently only available for Prague, but is expected to expand to other cities.
Use the power of nature The interaction of all our hormones is important for the proper functioning of the body. If an imbalance occurs, it needs to be addressed. Try to read this book before seeing a doctor for medication. It shows how our hormones can be kept in balance by nature. Price: 246 CZK. Compare the pH level Experienced healer Maria Lohmann deals with 35 different health problems, such as constipation, muscle pain or insomnia, and provides readers with information about their causes and symptoms. In all cases, it indicates a connection with the pH level. Mad medicine disease Doctors Šavlík, Hnízdil and Houdek point out in their book that a serious paradox is emerging in contemporary medicine. Whereas in the past one took care of one's health and organized all activities around it, now the health care system has become a decisive driving force. Balanced microflora Gynocaps: a vaginal depot probiotic that releases lactobacilli gradually. They naturally colonize the vaginal environment, maintain an acidic pH there and form substances that act against pathogenic bacteria.


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