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Take care of your health

Take care of your health every day with these simple tips! Every day we go through different phases of detoxification that take place through the liver and lymphatic system. And juice-based detox periods help even more by regenerating the liver and improving the elimination processes. Every day we go through different phases of detoxification that take place through the liver and lymphatic system. And juice-based detox periods help even more by regenerating the liver and improving the elimination of toxins. But detoxifying and cleansing the body is not just a process that takes place only at the beginning of the year - nor should it involve a cure for fluids and starvation. To subtly incorporate detoxification into your daily life, try these simple methods. They are light, efficient and most importantly: many of them are really enjoyable! Make sure you have a clean water source Tap water brings with it various chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride and other residues that affect the intestinal flora and disrupt the endocrine system. Consuming clean water allows the body to hydrate and eliminate waste more efficiently, because it does not have to make extra efforts to filter chemicals from the water. Put a water filter in the sink as well as in the shower. Baths in hot water that contain chlorine promote its absorption through the skin, which is the largest organ of the body. Shower filters are easy to install and will contribute to daily detoxification precisely by preventing the accumulation of additional toxins. Choose foods without the addition of chemicals. Every day we are exposed to dozens of pesticides, chemicals, preservatives, processed oils, additives, artificial colors and flavors from the food we eat. And even if we have a diet rich in unprocessed foods, if they are not organic, they can pollute our body with chemicals that are harmful to health and the environment. The solution: seasonal products, bought from local producers and a higher share of homemade food.
Try dry brushing. You will fall in love with this method of daily detoxification! Dry brushing of the skin helps to remove dead cells, which allows the skin to breathe better. And as a bonus: you will feel your skin cleaner and smoother. It is best to do this brushing just before the shower, so that you can wash the resulting dry skin after brushing. Brushing should be done clockwise, from the feet to the heart to stimulate detoxification and circulation. Read more in the article Dry brushing - a simple practice for healthy and beautiful skin Keep your seat regular. Most of the residue in the body is eliminated through the stool, so it is important to maintain your stool regularly. That is, daily or even twice a day. Do this by consuming plenty of water and fiber - mainly fruits and vegetables - but also by daily exercise and relaxation exercises. This is necessary for the colon, which is a muscle, and when we are tense, the colon is tense. You can try to eat more freshly ground flax seeds, which you can add to juice, yogurts, smoothies or salads.
Learn to breathe deeply. Most of us breathe short and shallow without realizing it. Learn to breathe deeply, this will help you cleanse and detoxify your lungs, reduce stress and carry more oxygen to your tissues. Start your day with 10 deep, slow, long breaths. When you get used to it, increase the number, then take "breathing breaks" throughout the day. It will help you both physically and emotionally, this procedure helping to relax and relax the nerve. Read more about the benefits of deep breathing, as well as easy-to-adopt techniques that will help you breathe better here. Keep your personal care products clean. From shampoo to shower gel, from day cream to makeup, we expose our bodies daily to toxic chemicals. And women are at a higher risk in this regard than men, because they use more care products, on average 12 per day. All these toxic products should be replaced with the same kind of products, but without chemicals, so as not to disrupt hormonal activity. If this seems difficult, choose one product that you use every day and start with that. You can even make your own personal care products with the help of essential oils, natural butters (shea, cocoa, avocado, etc.) and floral waters. You can start with some natural recipes for hair care. Patiently, in time, you will notice the results. Laugh whenever you get the chance. Sure, it's important to detoxify our body - but it's just as important to detoxify the mind. Laughter has many health benefits, including reducing stress and lowering blood pressure. So make room for fun in your life and don't waste a day without laughing!


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