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The most typical signs of skin aging

Aging is part of life. From birth, we mature every day and move on and on in life. We cannot stop aging. However, we can influence and slow down the aging process. The sooner we start taking care of our skin, the more positive results we will see. If you notice one or more of these changes on your skin, you should start giving your skin more thorough anti-aging care.
  • fine static wrinkles
  • mimic wrinkles - they can start at a young age as fine wrinkles, but with age they deepen and become more pronounced; the older we get, the less the skin resists the daily work of mimic muscles and the appearance of mimic wrinkles accelerates;
  • loss of strength and elasticity - due to age-reduced hormonal activity, lower activity of fibroblasts and loss of hyaluronic acid, the function of elastin and collagen fibers is weakened; the skin loses its original firmness and elasticity;
  • the skin is withered, drier, without brightness
  • insufficient density - the features begin to gradually decline, especially in the upper part of the face, most notably around the eyes and temples; furthermore, the volume of the neck and lower part of the chin increases and, conversely, the natural sharpness of the chin subsides;
  • non-uniform coloration and unevenness of the skin surface - skin regeneration is slower and so the dead parts of the cells remain on the surface longer; thereby causing inconsistent skin discoloration and more widespread pores;
  • pigment spots - due to uneven melanin production;
  • insufficient hydration - negative hormonal changes play a role here again, the skin also produces less fat and retains water less well; This is one of the reasons why the skin loses its natural elasticity

Our products can reduce, alleviate, or completely eliminate most of these symptoms. creams and serums and a number of proven food supplements  are a unique prevention .
They will be happy to help you effectively with more visible signs of aging at the workplaces of our partners with the help of STYLAGE brand filling materials .


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